NEPA School of Massage
View our enrollment agreement below to see everything you need to know about becoming a student. Including tuition price, hours of schooling and admission requirements.
Once you've completed your enrollment form, fill out the information below and upload your pdf into the file field and submit your agreement online! We'll reach out with any issues or questions in the coming days.
NEPA School of Massage
Student Enrollment Agreement
480 Pierce Street Suite 221 Kingston, PA 18704
(570) 371-9089
Licensed by the Pennsylvania Board of Private Licensed Schools
Student Name: _______________________________ Student I.D. No.: ____________
Date of Birth: ________________________________
Telephone (home): ____________________________ (work): ____________________
(cell): _____________________________
Email address: _______________________________
Present Address: ______________________________________________________________
Permanent Address: ____________________________________________________________
Program Title: Massage Therapy Program Start Date: _________________________
Program Length: Full-time: 670 hours, 24 weeks, 6 ½ months ______
Total Cost:
Deposit: $1,000 (applied toward Tuition Fee)
Tuition Fee: $8,500
NEPA School of Massage Student Handbook: $0.00
Approximate Total Additional Student Supplies & Expenses: $1,627
One (1) credit hour is equal to $12.69. 670 Credit hours equals $8,500 in tuition fees.
Admission Requirements
● High School Diploma or equivalent
● 18 years or older
● Pass an annual physical examination by a physician.
● Student Liability Insurance
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It is the policy of NEPA School of Massage to grant equal opportunity to qualified persons
without regard to race, color, age, gender, disability, religion, origin, or sexual orientation with
respect to both employment and provisions of services.
Admission Procedures
● Submit a completed application form.
● Complete and submit a Student Enrollment Agreement along with $1,000 deposit.
● Pass an annual physical examination by a physician.
● Submit copy of Student Liability Insurance
● Submit copy of High School Diploma or G.E.D.
Denial of Admissions
NEPA School of Massage reserves the right to deny admission to any person for the following
1. The applicant does not meet the Admission Requirements of NEPA School of Massage
(listed above).
2. The applicant is unable to perform or receive massage due to physical, mental, or
emotional reasons.
3. The applicant is unable to meet financial commitments.
Student Health Requirements
In order to maintain a safe environment that students may both receive and administer a massage,
students must maintain their own health and be free of contagious and infectious disease. If a
student’s health status should change at any time during the course of the program, the student
shall notify the director of massage therapy in writing immediately. After consulting with the
students’ physician, a determination will be made whether the student will be able to participate
in class. If it is determined that further participation in classes or clinic by the student would
result in endangerment to the student or others, the student will not be able to complete the
program, and a refund will be made of any prepaid tuition in accordance with NEPA School of
Massage, LLC refund policy.
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Massage Therapy Program
(One clock hour equals 50 minutes of instruction)
Course Title Hours
MTP101 Student Ethics and Professional Conduct………………………………………………………… 2
MTP102 Professional & Business Ethics in Practice……………………………………………. ……….. 28
MTP103 Health, Hygiene & Self Care………………………………………………………………………….. 22
MTP104 Principles of Touch and Communication………………………………………………………… 40
MTP105 Anatomy and Physiology……………………………………………………………………….. 118
MTP106 Introduction to Assessment and Kinesiology…………………………………………………….. 65
MTP107 Soft Tissue Manipulations & Massage Therapy Modalities ………………………………. 280
MTP108 Introduction to Pathology for the Massage Therapist…………………………………………. 40
MTP109 Clinic……………………………………………………………………………………………… 75
TOTAL COURSE CLOCK HOURS………………………………………………………………………….. 670
Student Initial _____
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Student Services
Placement Assistance Services
For students enrolled in the program, placement assistance begins at approximately program
calendar midpoint of enrollment period. Students will receive counseling and assistance in
securing employment and moving into new positions as they move along the career path.
Relocation or travel may be required to obtain employment.
While this service is available to all students, NEPA School of Massage cannot guarantee
employment to any student.
Student Conduct & Dismissal
A diploma from NEPA School of Massage is an endorsement to represent the profession of
massage therapy. This diploma reflects the student’s ability to proficiently serve the community
and to always represent themselves ethically and professionally. Therefore, NEPA School of
Massage reserves the right to evaluate and make recommendations to aid the student in achieving
an appropriate professional manner.
Students are expected to conduct themselves with fellow students, staff, and the public in a
manner befitting a health professional. If instructors, administrators, staff, students, or clients
express concern about a student’s professional, ethical, and interpersonal abilities, the student
will be asked to meet with the Director of NEPA School of Massage. The student may face
possible probation, suspension, or removal, based on any of the following reasons:
● Poor academic performance or academic failure
● Inappropriate or disorderly conduct or insubordination
● Violation of any terms during the enrollment period
● Academic cheating or dishonesty
● Any behavior that the Director of NEPA School of Massage believes to be inconsistent
with the standards of the school.
Tardiness, Absences, and Make-up Work
If a student is more than 15 minutes late for class, the time must be made up. Three tardies result
in one hour of make-up work. Attendance will be recorded in each class. Students must attend a
minimum of 100% of the total clock hours through scheduled attendance and make-up sessions.
Students must attend the scheduled hours specific to the Massage Therapy Program. We require
that students make up hours missed, weather permitted or unpermitted. Make up work will be
accessed on a case-by-case basis and will consist of take-home assignments or additional hours.
Dress Code & Personal Hygiene Policy
Students are expected to arrive to class dressed in clean, black scrubs. Nails should be clean and
neatly trimmed in order to practice massage. Hair that is longer than shoulder length shall be tied
back during massage class and clinic. Clothing should be neat and clean.
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Termination, Appeal, & Reinstatement
Students will be dismissed the earlier of (1) receipt of notification by the student of a desire to
withdraw, (2) date on which a progress review for a probationary student indicated that the
student did not meet minimum criteria for being released from probation, (3) date on which a
student is dismissed from school for failure to uphold financial obligations as agreed upon with
the school, or (4) failure to return within 30 days of specified return date from a Leave of
Absence. Whether termination of enrollment is voluntary or involuntary, students should realize
that they remain obligated for the amount of tuition due to the school based on the Cancellation
and Refund Policy.
Students have the right to appeal dismissal decisions made by the school administration by
submitting a written request to the Director of NEPA School of Massage describing any
mitigating circumstances or conditions that warrant special consideration. If the appeal is
accepted, the student may be reinstated according to special terms and conditions stipulated by
the Director.
If an appeal is denied or if the student chooses not to appeal the decision, an application for
reinstatement may be submitted to the school no later than 30 days from the date of termination.
Students who do not pursue or win an appeal may be reinstated under special conditions.
Student Records/Academic Transcripts
Academic transcripts are prepared at the scheduled completion dates of each evaluation period
when grades and academic progress are formally reviewed. In accordance with the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy act of 1974, student records are only open for inspection to
students and parents/guardians of dependent students to review and challenge any and all parts of
said records. This inspection is welcome by appointment during regular hours of operation.
NEPA School of Massage, LLC, maintains Student Records for all students enrolled. Student
Records include enrollment data, tuition/deposit payment records, attendance, progress, awards
and placement assistance information. These records will be maintained for at least three (3)
years following graduation. Academic Transcripts will be retained in perpetuity.
Should students desire an official copy of their academic transcript, a written request should be
provided to the Director for processing. There is no charge for the initial request. There will be a
$3.00 fee for each request thereafter.
Student Complaint Procedure
Most problems or complaints that students may have with the school, staff, or administration can
be resolved through a personal meeting with the heads of the school.
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Any questions or concerns regarding information contained within the Enrollment Agreement
must be directed to the heads of the school, in writing.
Christine Mooney (570) 371-9089 | christine@nepaschoolofmassage.com
If a student’s questions or concerns are not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, then the student
may bring the situation to the attention of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, State
Board of Private Licensed Schools, 607 South Drive, Floor 3E, Harrisburg, PA 17120.
Course Transfer
If a student currently has a certificate from another licensed school of massage therapy
(minimum 100 clock hours) and would like to continue their hours at NEPA School of Massage,
they must meet the following requirements:
1. General requirements for admission
2. Take a written and practical exam with a score of 75% or higher.
3. Certification within the past five (5) years of start date
4. Admittance to the program will be done on an individual basis with the approval of the
Director of NEPA School of Massage
Tuition will be adjusted accordingly for the student. NOTE: There is no guarantee that NEPA
School of Massage credits/hours will transfer to another school.
General Class Schedule & State Date
There are two schedules at the NEPA School of Massage:
1. Full Time, Day Classes. Complete program in six months.
NEPA School of Massage reserves the right to cancel or postpone the start of any class due to
unforeseen circumstances. If a class should be postponed or canceled for any reason, students
can either choose to apply the fees already paid to the start of the next class or receive a full
School Hours
The school offers the following schedule: (When available)
1. Full-Time Schedule: Monday – Thursday 9:00AM – 3:00PM, Lunch from 11:30AM –
Full Time Schedule: Students are required to complete 75 clinic student massage hours starting
on week 13 of the Massage Therapy program outside of regular school hours.
Available Clinic Hours:
Full-Time Schedule: Students will obtain mandatory clinic “hands on” hours by administering
student Swedish massage therapy to the public. These hours will be available to students starting
at the beginning of week 13 as after school hours Monday through Friday. Student Evaluation
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forms, client intake and S.O.A.P. notes must be submitted for each clinic hour. Week 21 and 22
are dedicated to open clinic hours for student use. It is the student's responsibility to fulfill the
need of 75 clinic hours before receiving a diploma.
School will be closed for Thanksgiving Holiday, Christmas Holiday, New Years, 4 th of July,
Memorial Day, and spring break.
Facilitating Student Massages
NEPA School of Massage as well as students can schedule student massages. Students are
encouraged to practice the art of gaining clientele through self-promotion of student massages.
NEPA School of Massage Directors will also advertise and schedule clients via phone by
appointment for student massages at $45 a session. Walk-ins will not be accepted. Clients will be
scheduled with students according to student availability. It is the responsibility of the student to
make themselves available for student massages to meet the 75-hour requirement. A Director
will be present at all times during the student massage check in and check out process.
NEPA School of Massage will work with students to ensure students meet the 75 hour
Student Additional Supplies & Expenses
Student Liability Insurance (free with AMTA)
Textbooks $430
MBLEx Testing Fee $265
Black Scrubs 2-4 sets $60
Comfortable, clean sneakers or closed toe shoes $40
Passed Physical by physician $135 average price with no insurance.
6 set sheets/6 twin fitted /6 twin top sheet $70
12 hand terrycloth towels $27 on Amazon
Note taking materials $50
Pens / pencils $20
Licensing Application fee for state licensure $122
Background Check $22
Chromebook or computer of choice $200
Massage holster $10
Massage oil bottle $10
Backpack $20
Storage containers for sheets $16
CPR certification for state licensure $85
Massage stool $45
(Total Approximate Expenses $1,627)
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Items and Expenses Included in Tuition
Massage Table or Massage Chair
Massage oils/creams
(Total Approximate Value provided by NEPA SCHOOL OF MASSAGE $300)
Required Texts
Textbooks are not included in tuition and are the financial responsibility of the students
Massage Therapy Principles and Practice 7th Edition by Susan G. Salvo – $69.71
ISBN: 978-03235812-8-8
Mosby's Pathology for Massage Professionals, 5th Edition by Susan G. Salvo – $62.24
Trail Guide to the Body, 6th Edition by Andrew Biel
Trail Guide to the Body, Workbook, 6th Edition by Andrew Biel – BUNDLE PRICE – $70.44
ISBN: 978-0-9968359-8-5
Student Initial ____
Total Tuition Payments
1. A deposit of $1,000 is due at the time of signing the enrollment agreement.
2. Balance of tuition options:
A. $7,500 due no later than fourteen (14) days after signing enrollment agreement, payable
by cash, check or credit card. (2.6% processing fee for credit card payments. ~$195.00)
B. Down payment of $3,750 due no later than fourteen (14) days after signing the
enrollment agreement, with the balance to be paid in one (1) installment in the amount of $3,750
by week ten (10) of the Massage Therapy Program. (2.6% processing fee for credit card
payments. ~$97.50 for $3,750)
C. Applications for Monthly payment plans are available by requesting a meeting with the
School Director. Monthly payment plans become available to students who can provide a down
payment of $2,000 within fourteen (14) days after signing the enrollment agreement. The
remaining tuition of $5,500 will be split into seven (7) monthly payments of $785.72 starting the
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1 st of the following month. All refund policies remain the same. (2.6% processing fee for credit
card payments. ~$52.00 for $2,052.00 and $20.43 for $806.15)
3. The Date of Enrollment is defined as the date on which the Student signs this Enrollment
Agreement and pays the deposit.
4. These options are available to all students.
Students can be denied entry to NEPA School of Massage if financial requirements are not
Student Initial ____
Student Academic Probation Policy
A student with an overall average of less than 70% at the end of the halfway point of their
prospective program will be placed on probation for four weeks, and then removed from classes
if practical and written exams at that time do not indicate a passing grade of 70% or better.
Cancellation or Termination by School or Student
Full Refund of Tuition and Deposit:
A full refund of all monies paid, including the deposit, will be paid if:
1. The student provides a written request for cancellation prior to the start of classes; or
2. The applicant is not accepted for admission by the school; or
3. The school cancels the program prior to the applicant beginning class.
Partial Refund:
Student will be eligible for a partial refund:
1. If a student enrolls and withdraws or discontinues after the scheduled program has begun, but
prior to the enrollment period graduation date, the following refund policies apply:
a. If termination occurs during the first 7 calendar days of the enrollment period, this will result
in the school retaining 25% of the tuition totaling $8,500,
b. If Termination occurs after the first 7 calendar days of the enrollment period, but within the
first 25% enrollment period, this will result in the school retaining 45% of the tuition totaling
c. If termination occurs after 25% of the enrollment period, but within 50% (program
calendar midpoint) of the enrollment period, this will result in the school retaining 70% of the
tuition totaling $8,500.
d. If termination occurs after 50% (program calendar midpoint) of the enrollment period, this
will result in the school retaining 100% of the tuition totaling $8,500.
No Refund:
If termination occurs after 50% (program calendar midpoint) of the enrollment period, this will
result in the school retaining 100% of the tuition totaling $8,500.
Refund Policy:
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All refunds due will be made to the original funding source(s) within 30 calendar days of the
determined withdrawal, cancellation or termination date from the course or program.
Textbook Refund
Students purchase textbooks through a third party distributor.
The procedure / policy, for collecting accounts receivables (unpaid fees) after 90 days is:
Phone call – Letter – Dismissal – Legal action
Student initial _____
The Student Understands:
1. NEPA School of Massage does not accept credit for previous education, training,
experience (experimental learning), or CLEP.
2. NEPA School of Massage does not guarantee job placement to graduates upon
program/course completion or upon graduation.
3. NEPA School of Massage reserves the right to reschedule the program start date when the
number of students scheduled is too small.
4. NEPA School of Massage will not be responsible for any statement of policy or procedure
that does not appear in the school course catalog.
5. NEPA School of Massage reserves the right to discontinue the student’s training for
unsatisfactory progress, nonpayment of tuition or failure to abide by school rules.
6. Information concerning other schools that may accept the NEPA School of Massage credits
toward their programs can be obtained by contacting the office of the director. It should not be
assumed that any programs described in the school catalog could be transferred to another
institution. NEPA School of Massage does not guarantee the transferability of credits to a
college, university or institution. Any decision on the comparability, appropriateness, and
applicability of credits and whether they should be accepted is the decision of the receiving
7. This document does not constitute a binding agreement until accepted in writing by all
Student initial _____
Student Acknowledgments:
1. I hereby acknowledge receipt of the School’s Course Catalog, which contains information
describing programs offered, and equipment/supplies provided. NEPA School of Massage’s
course catalog is included as a part of this enrollment agreement, and I acknowledge that I have
received and read a copy of this catalog.
2. Also, I have carefully read and received an exact copy of this enrollment agreement.
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3. I understand that NEPA School of Massage may terminate my enrollment if I fail to comply
with attendance, academic and financial requirement or if I disrupt the normal activities of the
school. While enrolled in NEPA School of Massage, I understand that I must maintain
satisfactory academic progress as described in the school course catalog and that my financial
obligation to NEPA School of Massage must be paid in full before a diploma may be awarded.
4. I have received and read the school’s current student information publication.
Student initial _____
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I, _________________________________, have read and understand this agreement and
acknowledge receipt of a copy. It is further understood and agreed that this agreement supersedes
all prior or contemporaneous verbal or written agreements and may not be modified without the
written agreement of the student and the NEPA School of Massage Director. I also understand
that if I default upon this agreement, I will be responsible for payment of any collection fees or
attorney fees incurred by “NEPA School of Massage LLC”.
My signature below signifies that I have read and understand all aspects of this agreement and do
recognize my legal responsibilities in regard to this contract.
Signed this _____ day of ____________ 20_____
____________________________________ ____________________
Signature of Student Date
_____________________________________ ____________________
Signature of School Director Date
Representative’s certification: I hereby certify that__________________________ has been
interviewed by me and in my judgment, meets all requirements for acceptance as a student. I
further certify that there have been no verbal or written agreements or promises other than those
appearing on this agreement.
By: _________________________________ Date: __________________
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